Dzīves cikla izvērtējumi: oglekļa dioksīda samazināšana ikvienā darbībā

Dzīves cikla izvērtējums ir vienīgais pārbaudītais līdzeklis kopējā vides ietekmējuma noteikšanai izstrādājuma dzīves ciklā. Iekļaujot dzīves cikla izvērtējumu mūsu jaunrades darbā, varam samazināt atkritumu apjomu izstrādājumos, sākot ar izstrādājuma projektu, ražošanu, transportēšanu, lietošanu un beidzot ar izmešanu.

Susan Iliefski Janols, VP Sustainability Products & Services, Global Brand, Innovation and Sustainability.

“The biggest environmental impact is coming from the production of raw materials, and secondly from the post-consumer phase. That means we have to think about having smarter design with superior materials but using less of them.”

Susan Iliefski Janols, VP Sustainability Products & Services , Global Brand, Innovation and Sustainability

Our key to a smaller carbon footprint

In the video above, Susan Iliefski Janols, VP of Sustainability Products & Services, discusses our work with Life Cycle Assessments – from how it began in the early 90s to what it means for our daily and long-term operations. 
Here are a few key takeaways: 
  • A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the only tool where you measure the total environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle: from production of materials and products, to transports, usage, and circularity after use.  
  • An LCA for an innovation is based on the same science and standards as for an assortment, but an assortment LCA covers all products sold in a region over a period of time. This means that you include innovations together with step by step improvements in daily production. 
  • LCAs allow us to think about how we design and develop quality products with a minimal carbon footprint – for instance by developing smarter designs, using superior materials and minimizing waste. 
  • The result of an LCA can be communicated through an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) – an independent verification showing environmental information about a product, based on its complete life cycle.  EPDs for most TENA products can be found at the EPD International website.